“Beautiful Conduct of Sufis” Cemalnur SargutFeraidoon MojadediModerator: Yasemin SaibThe Panel will be conducted with consecutive translation in English and Turkish.Translator: Aylin Yurdacan Date : June 2nd 2022 ThursdayTime : 11.00-13.00 (İstanbul time)Location : Üsküdar Üniversitesi Fuat Sezgin Konferans Salonu Altunizade Mh. Mahir İz Cd. No:23 34674 Üsküdar / İstanbul / Türkiye The program will also be broadcast live on Üsküdar…
Detaylı BilgiThe International Intensive Summer School of Sufi Studies20-28 July 2022Application deadline: 13 July 2022About the programThe 4th International Intensive Summer School of Sufi Studies will be hosted in Istanbul and online (in hybrid form) by the Üsküdar University Institute for Sufi Studies between 20-28 July 2022 with the support of the Kerim Foundation. We are excited and looking forward to seeing both faculty and students in person again after two years apart.The MA-level TSV574 Approaches to Sufi Texts (3 credits-6 AKTS) and PhD-level TSV651 Approaches to Sufi Texts (3 credits-8…
Detaylı Bilgi"Understanding Ibn Arabi" Autumn Seminars will be ended with the Closing Panel, November 27, Saturday at 20:00, moderated by Kerim Guc. The Closing Panel will be chaired by Mahmud Erol Kılıç (IRCICA General Director). Laila Khalifa (Amman, Jordan), Mukhtar Ali (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA) and Cemalnur Sargut (Üsküdar University Advisor to the Rector) will attend to the panel as the speakers.The program will be broadcast in Turkish, English and Arabic in the form of simultaneous translation on youtube channels at the following.For English…
Detaylı BilgiThe International Intensive Summer School of Sufi Studies July 9-19, 2020The Institute for Sufi Studies of Üsküdar University, Istanbul, TurkeyAbout the Program The Institute for Sufi Studies of Üsküdar University has structured an international intensive summer school around the theme of Sufi Studies between July 9 and 19, 2020 with the support of Kerim Foundation. This intensive summer school will be in Istanbul, a beautiful and enchanting landscape, and the only city that bridges two continents – Asia and Europe united by the Bosphorus Strait. The opportunity…
Detaylı BilgiCONFERENCE“Recovering the Ethical: Practices, Politics, Tradition”Monday, December 23, 2019at 19.00 Üsküdar University Main Campus A Block Icadiye Hall
Detaylı BilgiLECTUREERIC GEOFFROY"The metaphysic primacy of the Feminine in the works of Ibn ‘Arabî"Saturday, October 26, 201911.00 - 13.00Ayhan Songar Conference Hall
Detaylı BilgiLECTUREOMID SAFI“Rumi’s Ancestors on the Path of Love: Harakani and Ahmad Ghazali”Tuesday, October 1, 201912.00 – 14.00Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall
Detaylı BilgiCONFERENCE“Integrated Education in A Fragmented World”Prof. Wan Mohd Nor Wan DaudA discussion around the comprehensive concept of “Adab” and its application in our times with particular reference to the Sufi ideas and practice of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas.5 Ağustos 2019 14.00 – 15.00Üsküdar University Main Campus D Block Ayhan Songar Conference Hall
Detaylı BilgiThe Healer of Wounds: Interpreting Human Existence in the Lİght of Alchemy and AscensionStephen HIRTENSTEIN“A prophetic figure named allusively as the Healer of Wounds is mentioned by Ibn 'Arabi in two early chapters of his Futuhat al-Makkiyya. In this talk we will explore the identity and character of this mysterious figure through a close reading of the text, and his special connection to alchemy and ascension.”24 November 2018 Saturday11.00-12.30Üsküdar University Altunizade Main Campus, Ayhan Songar Conference Hall
Detaylı BilgiEsteemed Guest,On the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, who loved all without distinction between language, religion, school, race, ethnicity, and gender, the KERİM Education, Culture and Health Foundation an TURKKAD Turkish Women’s Cultural Association are privileged to organize the 15th DOST Service to Islam Award Ceremony, held this year under the title of “The Prophet Muhammad and ‘Ilm”. With hope of eventually experiencing the understanding of tawhid (unity) in Islam, the organizers would be honored to share the joy of this special…
Detaylı BilgiThe Lectures scheduled for October 21, 2018, Sunday at 14.00 by Professor miriam cooke and Prof. Bruce Lawrence are postponed. They will be scheduled for a later date and announced later.
Detaylı BilgiThursday, October 25, 2 pmPUBLIC LECTUREÜsküdar University Nermin Tarhan Hall Prof. miriam cookeNazira Zeineddine: Pioneering Women’s Rights in IslamAlthough the Islamic feminist movement did not take off until the 1990s, it was pioneered in 1928. Lebanese Nazira Zeineddine was the first woman to publish a full-length book on Muslim women’s rights. Al-sufur wa al-hijab (1928) deconstructed patriarchal interpretations of Qur’an and Sunna to reveal the pro-women aspects of Islamic scriptures. Too controversial for her day and society, she disappeared. Decades…
Detaylı BilgiProfessor Omid Safi PUBLIC LECTURE Thursday, October 11, 2018Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall, Üsküdar UniversityİstanbulRadical Love: Madhab-e Eshq“The Religion of Love (Madhab-e Eshq): Love as a Path from Humanity to Divine”One of the most exciting developments in the Sufi tradition was the development of a distinct path called the Madhab-e Eshq. Prior to this development, Sufis conceived of love as being divided to human and Divine love. With this path, however, there was a new realization that goes back to Ahmad Ghazali and reaches a zenith in other Sufis…
Detaylı BilgiProfessor miriam cookePUBLIC LECTURE Wednesday, October 3, 2018Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall, Üsküdar Universityİstanbul Gendering Islamic SainthoodWhen and how are Muslim women declared saints? How does their relationship with men support or challenge the claim? Examples include 8th century Rabi`a al-‘Adawiya and Hasan al-Basri; and in the 13th and 14th centuries, Nizamuddin Awliya and Bibi Fatima and Lalla Aisha Manoubiya and Abul Hasan al-Shadhili
Detaylı BilgiThe International Intensive Summer School of Sufi Studies, July 16-29, 2018The Institute for Sufi Studies of Üsküdar University, Istanbul, TurkeyAbout the ProgramThe Institute for Sufi Studies of Üsküdar University structured an international intensive summer school around the theme of Sufi Studies in Istanbul between July 16-29, 2018 with the generous support of Kerim Foundation. This intensive summer school will be in Istanbul, a beautiful and enchanting landscape, and the only city that bridges two continents – Asia and Europe united by the Bosphorus. This once in…
Detaylı BilgiSufism and History of Religions course begins on April 3, 2018Duke University Emeritus Prof. Dr. Bruce Lawrence will give the TSV558 Sufism and History of Religions class in the 2018 Spring Semester at the Üsküdar University Institute for Sufi Studies as part of the Sufi Culture and Literature Master’s Degree curriculum. There will be simultaneous translation throughout all of the classes. The intensive course will be between April 3 and 16, 2018. Prof. Lawrence will also give three public lectures while he is here.Graduate students of all universities will be able to take the…
Detaylı BilgiABOUT THE SYMPOSIUMSufi Studies Week1st International Sufi Studies Graduate Student SymposiumÜsküdar University, Institute for Sufi Studies 9 - 11 March 2018Today, scientific studies and research are quickly distancing themselves from an understanding of “vocational focus.” Many disciplines are engaging more and more with the topics and methodology of religious studies. Sufi Studies, aside from fundamental Islamic studies, comprises a large area of interest ranging from literature to philosophy, history to sociology, psychology, from music to architecture, to other areas…
Detaylı BilgiCALL FOR PAPERS 1st Sufi Studies Graduate Student SymposiumInstitute for Sufi StudiesÜsküdar University, March 10-11, 2018Areas of interest include topics in the context of Sufi studies from multidisciplinary perspectives. This symposium, organized by graduate students, aims to bring together the growing community of researchers and interested parties to discover possible directions of Sufi Studies. The conference aspires to create a forum for those exploring the relationships between Sufi Studies and theoretical, philosophical, literary, historical, methodological, sociological,…
Detaylı Bilgi