The Education Program on Sufism: the Knowledge of Being

The Educational Program on Sufism: the Knowledge of Being


Duration of the program is 7 weeks.

This program consists of a total of 21 hours.

Date of the program: November 24, 2022 – January 5, 2023

Time of the course: Thursday 14.00 – 17.00

Program Fee: 950 TL (VAT included)

Program fee for residents abroad: 70 Euros

For information about the registration CLICK HERE.

The Scope of the Course

With the guidance of Professor Öngören, participants will be able to discuss and contemplate about “the meaning of the taste of the faith”, “seeing the world in a Sufi way”, the notions of knowing and being”, termonologies like “futuwwa and malamatiyya”, dreams and their relations with real life”, “Sufi education and other mystical systems” and “the rise, history and functions of Sufi orders”.

About the Lecturer

Professor Reşat Öngören was born in 1963 in Ünye. He graduated from Marmara University Department of Theology. He earned his master’s degree in the same university in the field of History of Tasawwuf in 1990, and he received his PhD in 1996. He worked as a researcher, specifically on the field of Tasawwuf, between 1996 to 2000 in the Turkiye Diyanet Foundation for Islamic Studies (ISAM). He was assigned as Assistant Professor to Istanbul University Department of Theology. He was promoted to the Associate Professor position in November 2001 and a Professor in November 2007. He worked as a guest lecturer in Higher Islamic Institute in Sofia, during 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 academic calenders. Among many academic and cyclopedic articles, papers, and book chapters he wrote on Tasawwuf, Öngören also has written books named Tasawwuf in Ottomans: Sufis, State and Scholars in Anatolia (printed in 2000, 2003, 2012, 2016), Zayniyyah: A Sufi Order in the History (printed in 2003), and A Popular Tariqa Among Scholars: Zayniyyah (printed in 2012). He also wrote articles for the 44+2 volume Encyclopedia of Islam (DIA) published by ISAM and the encyclopedia of Mevsūatu a‘lāmi’l-ulemāi ve’l-udebāi’l-‘Arabi ve’l-muslimīn published in Tunisia. He is still working as a lecturer at the Institute of Sufi Studies in Uskudar University, where he was appointed in June 17th, 2019.









November 24th, 2022
14.00 – 17.00
Reşat Öngören


December 1st, 2022
14.00 – 17.00
Reşat Öngören


December 8th, 2022
14.00 – 17.00
Reşat Öngören


December 15th, 2022
14.00 – 17.00
Reşat Öngören


December 22nd, 2022
14.00 – 17.00
Reşat Öngören


December 29th, 2022
14.00 – 17.00
Reşat Öngören


January 5th, 2022
14.00 – 17.00
Reşat Öngören


December 30th, 2022
14.00 – 17.00
Reşat Öngören



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