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The Sufism and Music Education Program organized by Sufi Music Artist and Choir Conductor Elif Uyar at Üsküdar University Sufi Studies Institute ended with the Closing Concert on Monday, November 20.

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Hüseynî (İlâhî) Composition: Cinuçen Tanrıkorur Ffte: St. Mahmud Hüdâyî Hz.

Usûl: Sofyan

O God, the One and only Samed
I pray for you, I pray for you
O "Lemyekün küfven ehâd
I pray for you, I pray for you

The oppressive light
Let it be opened, conquest-i bâb
Ref'et cemâlinden nikâb
I pray for you, I pray for you

O one who makes an ummân out of a katra
O you who makes the nutrient human
O Healer of troubles
I pray for you, I pray for you

Yârab Hüdâyî derdimend
He made the wanderer obscure
May you be bahremend from his will
I pray for you, I pray for you

Nevâ (Hymn) Gufte: Şemseddin Sivâsî Hz. Usûl: Sofyan

No one can reach the Truth unless he is free from all
In that heart there is no opening, unless it is pur-nûr
Banish the naysayers from the tongue, so that Hak manifests
The sultan does not stay in the palace, without the house being perfect

Lovers circumambulated the Kaaba of Hakk cemâlin
Without the Kaaba on the ground and the Bayt-i Mâmûr in the sky
Shamsî is in a strange trouble and is on fire
He wants to be acceptable to Haqq without being offensive to the people

Hüseynî (İlâhî) Güfte- Composition: Ken'an Rifâî Hz. Usûl: Turkish Accent

I am destitute and I have no means to rely on

I am afraid, I have no ambition worthy of me

I am Mu'terifim, I have no face to apologize for my crime

Yâ Rabbi, my tongue has become speechless from maâsî

With every offense, he has become other than his glory

Every time, fill me with your grace, make me glorious with your glory

Construct my heart with the light of your love

Free me from the blindness and oppression

It became eternal for a helpless sinner like Ken'ân

"Kul yâ ibâdiye'llezî esrefû "* muhkem sened

 * Surat al-Zumar, 53rd verse: "O Muhammad, say: O My servants who have overstepped the limits against their souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allâh..."

Hüseynî (İlâhî) Composition-Güfte: Ken'an Rifâî Hz. Usûl: Düyek

Come my comrade, let us say Allah Allah!

Let us keep our covenant with Allah!

Let us always remember the name of Allah!

Let us know that everything is from Allah!

See the Truth everywhere,

Throw away the ego and know Allah,

Come, why don't you undress and enter this square!

Why don't you erase the gossip from the house of your heart?

Do not despise anyone, do not say their fault,

How many falsehoods, do not ever shirk from the Truth!

And do not break hearts, do not be arrogant and proud,

Never hide any evil in the heart!

Come, my dervish, let us turn from side to side!

Let's drink the wine of love, bowl by bowl!

Let us hold Ken'ân hand in hand and watch,

Let's circumambulate your friend's cemâlin with love!

Hicaz (Hymn) Usûl: Sofyan

How often you sleep and don't wake up

The caravan passed away and we stayed in the mountains

Don't you believe it when the vendors call

The caravan passed away and we stayed in the mountains

Yunus, why did you come to this world?

Let your tongue remember Allah day and night

If your path does not pass by the awliya

The caravan passed away and we stayed in the mountains

Hicaz (Hymn) Composition: Neyzen Doğan Ergin Gfte: Zekâî Efendi Usûl: Sofyan

Burn with your love, my sultan Allah

Return with your zeal, my sultan Allah

You are my God, my pious one

Forgive my sin, my sultan Allah

Let me know my soul and find my origin

Kill before you die, my sultan Allah

You are my God, my pious one

Forgive my sin, my sultan Allah

Take me from my body

Do not separate me from you, my sultan Allah

Zekâî sings praise and praise

My sultan Allah is my constant supplication

Hicaz (Hymn) Gufte: Eşrefoğlu Rûmî Composition: Azîze Emrem Usûl: Sofyan

All my mischief, Estaghfirullah tawba

Estaghfirullah tawba for my devastating transgressions

What my eyes look at, what my heart flows

When my ear flickers, Estaghfirullah tawba

To the backbiting of my tongue, to the pride of my soul

To every great flavor, Estaghfirullah tawba

I knew my crime, I turned to my God

Every mistake that I have committed, Estaghfirullah tawba

You are the Settârü'l-uyûb, You are the Gaffârü'z-zünûb

You are the Fattahu'l-kulûb, Estağfirullah tawba

I have heard of Ashrafoğlu Rûmi's many sins.

 Estaghfirullah tawba is the atonement for that

Hicaz (Hymn) Usûl: Sofyan

I am ecstatic, I am ecstatic

Every time my tongue wants to say Hû

                Tears start flowing from my eyes

                All the wolves and birds want to say Hû

Who wants wisdom, who wants ihsân

The one who wants a lover wants to say Hû

                Hû ism-i âzâm, say Hû Hû, my teacher

                Kuddûsî wants to say Hû

Segâh Mâye (İlâhî) Composition: Sultan Veled Usûl: Mevlevî Devr-i Revânı

I made my body fall as a propeller to your Shem'i soul
I dropped my tongue in the fire of fire
I dropped myself into the ummah when I was a mote
I can't express my distress and sorrow
If you love Mevlana, don't make me sing, I have sorrow

Segâh (Divine) Usûl: Yürük Semâî

Listen to my words, my words are special to you
What is needed for the dervish is the love of Hüdâ
Whatever the lover has is sacrificed for the beloved
Semâ is safâ, healing for the soul, food for the soul

O ascetic, our conversation is pure for the soul
Drink one of our cur'am, it is a cure for the problem
It is our eternal covenant with the truth
Semâ is safâ, healing for the soul, food for the spirit

Come with love and let's be in love
Let us be fit with pleasure
Come to Hazrat Mevlana and let us be with me
Semâ is safâ, healing for the soul, food for the spirit

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