International Conference "Between Praying and Playing: Exploring the Potentials of Musical Performance in Religious Traditions"

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  • International Conference "Between Praying and Playing: Exploring the Potentials of Musical Performance in Religious Traditions"


Musical Practices as an Instrument 
for Spiritual Ascension, Praying and Practicing Faith 

The First Conference in Kyoto:  

Between Praying and Playing: Exploring the Potentials of Musical

Performance in Religious Traditions

Date:  24-26 February, 2025

Venue (25-26 February): Meeting Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No. 2, Kyoto University

Click here for details


24 February, 2025 (Study Tour for Japanese Culture of Religion and Art)

9:00 Start from Kyoto University

10:00-16:00 Experience of Shinto culture at Fushimi Inari Shrine, Experience of Buddism culture at Mampukuji Temple and Byodoin Temple, and discussion about the comparison of religion and art between Japan and Islamic world.

17:00 Arrival at Kyoto University

25 February, 2025 (Day One of the Conference: Meeting of East and West)

10:15-10:45 Opening Session (Opening remarks: Tonaga Yasushi & Tuba IŞIK, congratulatory speeches: Cemalnur SARGUT, Chair: Suzuki Manami)

10:45-12:15  Session 1 (Chair: TONAGA Yasushi)

Tuba IŞIK: Singing as a Sufi Performance and its Impact on Character Cultivation

Michael Conway: Shinran’s Japanese Language Hymns in Contemporary Shin Buddhist Ritual 

Arzu Eylül YALÇINKAYA: Sufi Literature, Ritual, and Music/The Dynamics of Spiritual Awareness: Exploring Buddhist and Sufi Pathways through Text, Practice, and Sound

12:15-13:45 Lunch

13:45-15:15  Session 2 (Chair: Hatice Dilek GÜLDÜTUNA)

KOIZUMI Yurina: Reception of Christianity in Japan and its Influence on Various Arts

Vasfi Emre ÖMÜRLÜ: Flow of a Least Known Zikir Example of Istanbul Tekke: Rifâî Kelîme-i Tevhîd Zikir

FUJITA Takanori: Sound patterns for invocation to the supernatural in kagura, the Shinto ritual and Noh drama of Japan

15:15-15:45  Tea Break

15:45-17:45  Performance Workshop

Vasfi Emre ÖMÜRLÜ: : Experiencing the Least Known Sûfî Practice of Rifâî Kıyam Kelîme-i Tevhîd Zikir

FUJITA Takanori: Yuri (“to Sway”) , the Sound Symbol Used to Revive the Solar Deity in Noh Drama

18:30-  Dinner

26 Febuary, 2025 (Day Two of the Conference: Artificial Expressions in between Practice and Meaning)

09:30-10:30  Sesssion 3 (Chair: AKAHORI Masayuki)

SUZUKI Manami: Melody and Lyrics in Cem Rituals of Alevi-Bektaşi: Music as a Form of Islam that Accompanies People 

Birhan GENCER, M.A.: Rifai Qiyâm Dhikr in the Tradition of Ümmü Kenan Lodge

10:30-10:45  Tea Break

10:45-11:45  Session 4 (Chair: İlknur BAHADIR)

YAMAGUCHI Takumi:  Corporeality of Otherness: A Typology of Bodily Reactions at Sufi Ritual of Spirit Possession in Morocco

Hatice Dilek GÜLDÜTUNA: Mânâ of Sema Mukâbele and Mevlevî Âyin Example Through Various Composed Pieces

11:45-12:15  General Discussion (Chair: Akahori Masayuki)

12:15-12:30  Closing Session (Closing greetings: Elif ERHAN, Chair: Suzuki Manami))

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